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- By The Spook
- I thought that this article would be some help to people out there who
- have unfortuently been abducted by aliens. Even though this article
- mainly concentrates on America there are similar organisations in Britain
- and many other countries
- LOS ANGELES: What do you do if you are abducted in your sleep by a group
- of scrawny gray aliens with enormous heads, beamed up to a spacecraft,
- placed upon an examination table, probed with enormous needles and
- lasers, and then returned to your bed?
- If you live in Southern California, you form a support group and share
- the experience. But the thorny questions posed at these sessions are far
- more complex than those discussed at your run-of-the-mill self-help
- groups.
- How do you determine, one man asked at a recent meeting near Los Angeles,
- whether you have been abducted by aliens, abducted by the CIA or were
- merely dreaming? When the aliens implant a tracking device in your body,
- how do you get it out? After you've been abducted, what do you tell your
- employer when you show up late for work?
- If you are concerned about something such as abduction security, you
- cannot simply approach your neighborhood watch captain for advice. And
- your family doctor might be reluctant to explore the "scoop marks" left
- by aliens seeking tissue samples. So abductees from throughout Southern
- California meet on the last Sunday of every month and discuss these
- common problems, buck each other up and relate abduction adventures.
- During a break in the meeting, Kim Carlson rushes over to the coffeepot
- for a caffeine jolt before she will answer any questions. She is
- exhausted, she confides, because she has been staying up late every night
- to outwit the aliens who have been abducting her in her sleep. Carlson
- now will not go to bed until 4:30 a.m.--the time that she has determined
- is the alien abduction deadline.
- Carlson delivers the same spiel as any other support-group devotee. She
- used to feel alone, keeping her feelings bottled up inside. But now that
- she has met others like herself, she is open and forthcoming about her
- abduction experiences. Although this has done wonders for her emotional
- health, it has been tough on her social life. Her boyfriend of five
- years recently dumped her, telling Carlson: "When you get through this
- UFO business, give me a call." She shakes her head, raises her palms
- skyward and says: "Like I really have a choice."
- Carlson is a still photographer for the film industry. Like most of the
- others at the meeting, Carlson relates even the most outlandish tales
- with a heartfelt sincerity.
- Many of her abductions, she says, follow a similar pattern. She is
- transported by little gray men to their spacecraft and placed on a table,
- where the aliens surround her and study her emotions, her sexuality, her
- DNA makeup and her hand-eye coordination. She is returned home after
- about two hours, she says.
- Carlson has become something of an abduction activist. Wherever she
- goes, she asks strangers if they have been abducted or had UFO
- experiences. Just last week, she says earnestly, while shopping at an
- electronics store, she discovered a salesman and a warehouseman who both
- had had intimate experiences with UFOs.
- Carlson does not know why she and the others at the meeting are the
- chosen people--for abduction--but she has a hunch why the aliens are
- studying the human race. the little gray men, she surmises, are
- attempting to create a new, hybrid race.
- During the session, abductees discuss a variety of esoteric subjects.
- Snatches of testimony and random comments create a bizarre conversational
- mosaic:
- "Did your alien have a sense of humor?"
- "At first I thought I was in an elevator, but then I realized I was in a
- small craft detaching to a larger craft."
- "I know it wasn't a dream becasue when I returned, my dog was very hyper
- and panting and he usually is very calm."
- "There is some sort of work going on between the CIA and an alien faction
- to develop a propulsion technology."
- Although some of these random comments might seem as if they come from
- the lunatic fringe, those who attended the meeting did not seem all that
- peculiar. Many of them had the mien of typical suburbanites who struggle
- with their mortgages, attend PTA meetings and complain about freeway
- traffic. But ask them about UFOs, aliens or extraterrestrial abductions,
- and they launch into lengthy monologues that some might consider more
- appropriately delivered from a psychiatrist's couch.
- The support group meets at the home of Yvonne Smith, a hypnotherapist who
- sees many of the abductees as clients. Through hypnosis, she directs
- their "regression" therapy," where they can re-experience and ultimately
- come to terms with the abduction.
- She frequently is asked if the abduction experience is "just a California
- thing," because residents seem more open to the unorthodox. But
- abductions and UFO experiences, she says, are occuring all over the
- United States and the world.
- ---